
Crossing the Rubicon: 5 use-cases for industry agnostic software in Construction

Companies sign contracts to work for other companies, communicating digitally to get things done as agreed. They manage tasks with different teams, share what’s needed to deliver quality work, and manage the risks that will affect the delivery of the work. Sound familiar? Yes it’s pretty much every industry. There is no doubt in my mind […]

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A Simple Chart to Identify Optimism Bias in your Construction Projects

In short, optimism bias is when people think things will go better than they actually do. In construction, this means people often expect projects to cost less, take less time, and have fewer problems than they really will. It’s a strange unspoken agreement that we collectively report data that understates the issues with the project.

A Simple Chart to Identify Optimism Bias in your Construction Projects Read More »

How to build an actionable weather dashboard (in an afternoon!)

Introduction Weather-related delays significantly impact UK construction projects, accounting for up to 21% of total delays. Extreme temperatures affect concrete pouring and labor productivity, while high winds and rainfall create additional challenges. Despite meteorology being a data-rich field, its integration into construction decision-making remains surprisingly limited. In 2022, I led a team at Project Hack

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How to build your own Construction Risk tool (Monte Carlo, Dashboards, Collaboration)

The Challenge A conversation today sparked a bit of a domino effect of thoughts. The question “How hard is it to make a risk platform for the construction industry?” brought to mind other conversations I’ve had: How hard is it to make a Contract administration platform? How hard is it to make a Health and Safety

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Creating an AI powered Uniclass classification engine. Part 1: Search Engine

The final product Here is a link to the online prototype if you want to try it out yourself. Introduction In the new world of AI it can be quite hard to separate the hard problems from the easy problems. The advent of OpenAI’s ChatGPT opened the floodgates for competing LLMs, both proprietary and open-source, changing

Creating an AI powered Uniclass classification engine. Part 1: Search Engine Read More »

How to make a (good) interactive Gantt chart in excel

The goal at Shift is to create and implement innovative digital processes in the Construction industry. Sometimes that means creating complex data management pipelines, and sometimes that means meeting our customer where they are, and where they are is Excel. The finished Gantt Why? Construction is inherently a time based industry, a project can live or die

How to make a (good) interactive Gantt chart in excel Read More »

Data Literacy for Construction

An Excerpt from the Shift Construction Data Literacy Training course @ Shift ( Understanding Data Literacy Data Literacy is a term used to describe the ability to source, comprehend, evaluate, and generate data. It’s all about employing data effectively to inform business decisions and influence positive outcomes. While it is important for an individual to be

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